Learning Enhancement Center in Sandpoint, ID

Welcome to the

Sonoma County Learning Enhancement Center

Relief is on its way.  You have been searching for a long time for drug-free solutions to brain imbalances and you came to the right place.  You may a boy student

have put your child on medications or tried behavior modification techniques without significant results.  You may just be starting this journey or at the end of your rope.  Wherever you are on this journey, our doctors are here to help.  We understand your frustration and your desire to do what is best for your child. 

Treating only the symptoms of ADD & ADHD is like unplugging the warning light without fixing the problem.

When you have a child who is struggling in school or exhibiting behavior problems, despite obvious intelligence or good nature, it is like a warning light on your car.   Simply unplugging the light or covering it up does not mean you have fixed the problem.  We help you get to the root of your child's problem by first diagnosing what is happening functionally inside the brain and body and then using treatment techniques that stimulate the part of brain/body that is not functioning properly.  We help you and your child make the changes necessary for optimum mental health so you do not simply turn off the warning light, you actually fix the problem.

If you or a family member is struggling with a neurodevelopmental disorder such as ADD, ADHD or learning disorders you know the emotional pain involved. Our patients report "getting their child back" through our comprehensive learning enhancement program. Students are excelling in mathematics and reading when their brains are getting the support and stimulus they need.  Stop the pink slips and give yourself a child who is happy and healthy.  Ask our staff how you can get some much needed relief for you and your child.


What Participants Say About The Results:

Before enrolling in the Sonoma County Learning Enhancement Program, I was getting calls from my daughter's teacher every week and my daughter was struggling with math.  After a month in the Learning Enhancement Program, the teacher called me in amazement.  My daughter's worst subject, math, had become her best subject and instead of tantrums and power struggles, she reported that my daughter is a joy to have in her class.  Amy A.  Mother of 4th Grader

Thank you for making enormous improvements with my son.  He is a changed boy because of your program.  He pays attention in class, he stays on task, he maintains emotional stability, and he has improved physical endurance.
Tracey E., Mother of 4th Grader

After completing your Learning Enhancement Program, my teenage daughter is now making excellent life choices, which is a significant behavioral change.  Her grades have improved in almost every area, she now expresses her emotions in positive ways, and she is physically stronger.  Your facility and program come with my highest endorsement and recommendation.  Roger R., Father of 12th Grader

Finally…Real Help and Hope For

Neurodevelopmental Disorders Including 

 Learning Challenges, ADD & ADHD

We are available to speak on this and other topics:
Nutritional and Environmental Approaches to Learning Disabilities, ADD and ADHD

Ambridge Chiropractic Corporation

Practicing at the

Sonoma County Learning Enhancement Center

Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule




8:00 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 6:00 pm







1327 Superior St Suite 103
Sandpoint,ID 83864